
Monthly Market Days... The Omnivore's Delight!

Eating local food can be an ominvore's dilemma for most families. For one, it's hard to aquire all you need from one local farmer or Farmers Market, plus it takes too much time driving to all the possible farms to gather what you need. Farmers also have a hard time preparing everything for market and heading into the "Big City" to hopefully have a good sales day.

Our new monthly market hopes to connect local food buyers with local food producers by taking the risk out of the process for everyone. Local food buyers can become a market member to pre-order food for pick-up every 3rd Sunday afternoon of the month. This eliminates their risk that the time will be well spent knowing that the food they want will be waiting for them to pick-up. It also eliminates the risk for the producer knowing that they have a customer waiting to pick-up their product. It's a win-win situation. It's also a new technique for promoting local food.

It is a community supported program that guarantees the best food for everyone.

More details on our website www.homesweetfarm.com.

Join the local food revolution! Be a part of the omnivore's delight!

-Farmer Brad

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